Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Best Time Together.

I must admit friday & Saturday [Sept 26-27]
Was the best time together.
There was a sleepover at Raf & Ej's house and maaaan
I had the best time with the best of friends...
literally the BEST of FRIENDS! :]
[Khrisna, EJ, Rafael, Kiana, Kim, Arianne, Jerson and jordan]
Hahah! My lil funny crew. Well first of all as i got there, we were all laughing and eating food!
Then after that we watched "shutter" which was scary yet soooo hilarous when we ended up finding out thats the reason why that guys neck been hurting!
Then re recreated that scene with Khrisna on Ej's back!
Everyone was laughing histarically! <--- Never used that before.
We stayed up til 6:30am still laughing! Then the rest of the day we woke up around 9 becus of Odessa! HAHAHA... i woke up on my own, but she kept putting max on top of us.
And well, we helped ej and rafael pack up their belongings.. hahahaha... :(
Later that day, Kim & ej asked to read my letter for rafael, and they read it.... They cried, and then laughed... It was sad at the beginning but in the end i tried to make it better :]
I wrote him 6 pages and wrote ej 5 pages and told them they cant read it until they're on the road to dallas... :( Dallas?!... cannot compare to SA. There idk about it being fun..... HAHA.. no really. You gotta be cool to have fun in SA, but in dallas? Gosh... Once i get my car, i'm going to fill up the gas, fill up the seats and we head over to dallas to see our Loved ones! Forrreaaal.

1 comment:

khrisna AKA krish said...

awww i freakin loved this weekend!!!!!!!....haha max!! the blog, girl...i need to write one soon